Are you living the American Dream?
What is the "American Dream"? Is it having nice things? Big house? New car? Well paying job? Is it being married? Having kids? Traveling the world? This is not Jesus' dream for America. When you chase after these things, you begin to think you are in charge of your life. You start to identify yourself based on what you have accomplished. If someone ask you who you are, what do you say? I'm a mom, I work for XYZ. You base who you are on what you have and what you have done, but that's not who you are. Jesus doesn't want you to lose who you are in what you have or done. You are a child of God, and a new creation in Christ. You are here to testify the greatness of the blood shed for all. May your actions, words, and identity be lead be Jesus and not by what the world expects from you. Mark 8:34-37 Calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s...