As I read 2 Samuel 14 , I can relate to the story of people who are trying to reconcile a family torn apart by sin. The Sin The man after God's own heart, David, sinned when he had sex with Bathsheba, schemed to cover it up, and then had Uriah murdered. There is a consequence to our sin, but it doesn't just affect the person who sinned. The sin that is not repented impacts the family as well . David's children, wives, and close leaders suffered the consequences too. His infant son died, which I'm sure was devastating to Bethsheba. Poor lady! Her husband dies, then her son. David did not bring blessing on this poor lady. David didn't just have the sin of adultery and murder, but he had many wives. In Deuteronomy 17:17, the bible says " The king is not to have many wives because this would make him turn away from the Lord, and he is not to make himself rich with silver and gold. " Having many wives was not God's plan for David. He had 7 wives, and...