

As I read 2 Samuel 14 , I can relate to the story of people who are trying to reconcile a family torn apart by sin.  The Sin The man after God's own heart, David, sinned when he had sex with Bathsheba, schemed to cover it up, and then had Uriah murdered.  There is a consequence to our sin, but it doesn't just affect the person who sinned. The sin that is not repented impacts the family as well . David's children, wives, and close leaders suffered the consequences too. His infant son died, which I'm sure was devastating to Bethsheba. Poor lady! Her husband dies, then her son. David did not bring blessing on this poor lady.  David didn't just have the sin of adultery and murder, but he had many wives. In Deuteronomy 17:17, the bible says " The king is not to have many wives because this would make him turn away from the  Lord, and  he is not to make himself rich with silver and gold. "  Having many wives was not God's plan for David.  He had 7 wives, and...


This is the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic, declared March 11th, 2020. Gas price a mile from home was $1.39 Schools closed.  At first, we would not come back until April 13. Now it is May 4th, but I'm betting the entire school year will be cancelled. Online school started on March 23.   As a teacher the first week, we didn't have to collect grades. It was for participation and learning how to adjust to online learning. I'm expected to have 30 minutes of activities for the students per day, and that could be reading, assignments, or quizzes.   Grades for secondary were due April 6. Most of my students participated, but I had 4 students that I had to give an "Incomplete". I've adjusted well to online teaching because I've been using Canvas all year.  However, my colleagues are pretty lost.  I've been helping them by creating tutorial videos and sending them links to online job aids. We have met using zoom ...

Time for Everything

Ecclesiastes 3 Verse 11-13 11 He has set the right time for everything. He has given us a desire to know the future, but never gives us the satisfaction of fully understanding what he does.  12 So I realized that all we can do is be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive.  13 All of us should eat and drink and enjoy what we have worked for. It is God's gift. I have learn to be content with what I have and what God has planned for me. It is very hard to be patient when you know what you want, when you know the desires of your heart, when you know your purpose.  It's hard to be wait for God's timing when you are meant to do greater things.   For instance, I am 38 years old.  I've had a career for 15 years now.  I've changed jobs 4 times, and I'm still not satisfied with my function in life.  God has put desires in my heart.  Desires only he can fill.  I've been trying to find my purpose in my job as a te...

Generational Sin

Psalms 79:8-9  Don't make us pay for the sins of our ancestors. Have pity and come quickly! We are completely helpless. Did you know that we could be paying for the sins our parents and grandparents committed?   There is all types of beliefs concerning generational sin.  1) Generational sin is something that is in the Old Testament, and we are freed by Jesus when we confess him as our Lord and Savior.  2) Generational sin is a learned behavioral patterns and ways of thinking such as racism, addiction, adultery, revenge, and many more.  So which is it? Well, both are true.  If you are walking with the Lord, loving him, and learning about him, generational sin does not have a hold on you.  When we change our way of thinking and pursue Jesus (pray, read the bible, worship him), we will not pay for the sins of our ancestors.   Breaking out of the the jail of generational sin Picure URL:

Stop it

Psalms 78: 32 But the rest kept sinning and would not trust God's miracles. How often do we make request to God and he gives us a miracle? How often do we we turn our back on God and sin the very next day? It happens too often, and it breaks God's heart.  He is a giving father and wants the best for us. But, he won't let us keep turning away from him.  He will do whatever is necessary to win our whole heart. He may put someone in your path or allow a tragedy to happen. He may take a loved one "too soon".  He could allow you to walk the journey of addiction.  He could let you make all the wrong choices.  He will let you experience suffering and not have peace, but this is not what he wants for us. Don't wait for God to allow something to turn your heart to him.  Give him your whole heart and feel peace in your life.  This doesn't mean you will be free of trials. Jesus guarantees that we will have trials, but you can have peace during the tria...


So today is my first blog I'm using this as my journal. I got the idea after attending a Sunday service at Lakewood and hearing Joyce Meyers. Honestly I don't even know where to start. I think a journal is time to reflect on my day. Right now, I have been thinking about my job. I'm having trouble deciding what I want to do next year as a teacher. There are times when I want to work with a general ed teachers and students, and there are times when I just want to work with special education. I just know that I can do more with the skills that God has given me.

Leave her alone

John 1-8 Jesus defends someone who has shown him love, sacrfice & respect. Mary honored Jesus & he stuck up for her when she was attacked by those who were suppose to love her. There are times when we want to honor Jesus. It may be by sacrificing our time, desires, money & possession.  When we honor him & do something extraordinary for him others around us are quick to critize. But Jesus is quick to defend us when we honor him, love him & sacrifice for him.