
Do you remember John 4? 
Jesus asked a Samaritan woman for a drink at the well.  She questioned him and why Jesus would even talk to her.  Jesus said "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water" (John 4:10).  What is Jesus trying to say here? Let's look at this.
If you knew the gift of God and who it is that ask you for a drink:
What gifts do we receive from God?  Love, mercy, grace, all our needs met, miracles, the list goes on and on.  Jesus is also a gift from God.  We are all brothers and sisters with the same inheritance as Jesus.  Therefore, we are also gifts from God.  This signifies that Jesus is equal to this lady.  He doesn't perceive Himself better than her, which is how she perceives Him.

Then the lady goes on to question Jesus again about what He has to put in the well  and tells Him the well is deep.  It hasn't clicked for her yet.  Then she asked if Jesus is better than Jacob.  Lady, HELLO.  Come on.  You aren't getting it.

Jesus says, "this water in this well will not save you.  Only I can do that.  If you take in what I have for you, then you will live forever."  Hallelujah, Amen.  Thank you, Jesus!  How Awesome.

Then Jesus goes on asking her about her husband, which Jesus knows she doesn't have one.  He is calling her out.  Lady, you are looking for love in all the wrong places.  You will never be satisfied with what this world has.  You need to turn to Jesus, to God. He will make you whole.  Submit to him and lay it all down.  Then you will thirst no more.

There are things in this world that we yearn for.  Things that we believe will make us happy and meet our needs.  We can not put our faith into the things of this world.  If we drink the word, seek his face, our needs and desires will be met.  We will be satisfied and experience joy, peace, and God's grace.  Get into the word today and fill the thirsty spirit inside of you.


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